7 On-Page SEO Checks That You Need To Conduct On A Periodic Basis
Almost everyone who works in SEO field knows the importance of link building because it is an ongoing process. But more often than not, we tend to neglect the on-page SEO aspects. Various tiny updates in codes, new plugins/functionality addition or other feature changes can cause some onsite errors that could generate on-page SEO issues. So, if you do not check your website on a regular basis, there are higher chances that they will go unnoticed and will negatively influence your organic rankings.
On-Page SEO Checkup
Keeping the importance of SEO in mind, here are seven outstanding checks which should be follow to every professional SEO company in India that you need to conduct on a regular basis to ensure that you're on-page SEO is on target.
1. Check Site full Broken Links:-
Broken links are of two types internal and external link. And broken links can potentially put a harmful effect on your rankings in search results. Even if you do have control over internal links, you do not have control over external links. Broken link can have many reasons to exist. Most of the time, a web page or resource that you linked to no longer exists, can create a broken link in your profile.
So it is very useful to check for broken links periodically.
There are various software and tools to check broken links, but one of the easiest and most efficient ways is with the Screaming Frog SEO Software.
2. Use the site command to check low-value pages
The control operator "site:sitename.com" displays all pages on your site indexed by Google. By manual checking of these results, you should be able to check if all pages indexed are of high quality or if there are some low-value pages present. There are various low-quality pages like search results page, contact us & thank you page. All these pages contain nothing but links and hence are of little to no value. It is best to keep these away these pages from getting indexed.
3. Check Robots.txt
Robots file is used to avoid crawling of those pages which you do not want to be crawled by google bot.
When using a CMS like WordPress, it is easy to accidentally block out important content like images, CSS, and other resources that can help the Google bots better access/analyze your website. In the same way, if Google bots cannot access the JavaScript or CSS on your site, it is not possible for them to determine if your site is responsive or not.
To find out if you are blocking out valuable resources, log in to your Google Search Console and go to Google Index > Blocked Resources. You can easily see the content & resources you are blocking.
You can then unblock these resources using Robots.txt
To check if these resources are now crawlable, go to Crawl > Robots.txt tester in your Google Search console, then enter the URL in the space provided and click "Test."
If you get the green bar, means content is accessible now.
4. Check the HTML source
SEO Plugins can tell you in optimize your site, but to make sure that they are working properly, you should check the HTML source. It is the best way to ensure that all of your Metadata is being added to the right pages along with the proper tags. Bychecking the ht,XML code, you can check for errors that need to be fixed.
To check the source, do the following:
Open the page that needs to be checked in your browser window.
Press CTRL + U on your keyboard to bring up the page source, or right-click on the page and select "View Source."
Now check the content within the ‘head' tags ( <head> </head> ) to ensure everything is right.
5. Mobile usability.
It is confirmed by Google, that sites which provide mobile friendly user experience, will get higher ranks in search results as compared to those who do not have responsive structure. Even though your site is responsive, there is no saying what Google bots will think. Even a small change like blocking a resource can make your responsive site look unresponsive in Google's view.
So even if your website is mobile friendly, do check individual pages if they are mobile friendly or if they have mobile usability errors.
To do this, log into your Google Search Console and go to Search Traffic > Mobile Usability to check if any of these pages show mobile usability errors.
6. Rendering Issues. Many of the functionalities require calling many JavaScript and CSS files in your web pages. The feature might be used on a single page, but the JavaScript and CSS will be called on all pages.
For example, you might have added a contact us plugins that only works on one page – your contact page. But the plugins might have added its JavaScript files on every page.
More JavaScript and CSS references to a page will reduce your page speed which can negatively impact your search engine rankings. In facts, Google has already confirmed that page download speed is an official page ranking factor.
If you find unwanted scripts, restrict these scripts only to pages that require them, so they don't load where they are not wanted. You can also consider adding a defer or async attribute to JavaScript files.
These are some critical on-page SEO checks that should be done regularly.
Conducting these tests on a regular basis will ensure that your on-site SEO is on point and that your rankings are not getting hurt without your knowledge.
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